I've been wanting to try out angular2 for a while and decided to add angular2 to an existing node.js express project that I used to learn express.
The project code can be found here: github.com/saaratrix/glossarytraining/tree/angular2
There is also a demo here where I removed the backend part so it works for gh-pages: saaratrix.github.io/glossarytraining/dist/
The finished project covers the basics of angular2 with input & output variables for components and services.
Prior to this I had never used ES6 modules before. I've always kept the code to namespaces instead of importing modules so it was more than just angular2 to learn. But when I started the project of adding angular2 I thought it'd be about as simple as adding angular 1 but I was oh so wrong about that.
Installation for Visual Studio 2013
I started with searching for angular2 installation guide which lead me here https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/quickstart.html.
My existing project was created using visual studio 2013 node.js project template so it had no tsconfig file or gulpfile and on top of that I had express folder structure so what was in public folder is what is accessible.
Because visual studio was auto compiling typescript for me I didn't create the tsconfig file initially but in the end I had to.
I couldn't get the application to compile and work without the recommended tsconfig settings.
Now that it was compiling without any components I continued following the guide and created my first component in the folder
public/js/examangular and then tried to compile the typescript.
The code did not want to compile again because angular2 was missing a Promise reference.
That was solved by adding references for typescript like this:
SystemJS setup
The code was compiling but when trying to run it in the browser I got errors.
Next I needed to configure systemJS correctly.
I have never used it before and I started out using systemjs incorrectly.
Based off the angular quick start tutorial my systemjs file looked like in the gist below.
It did not work.
It gave 404 error by trying to load the file js/examangular/main.
It took me a while to find out why.
I tried many small tweaks for example to add .js to the import statement.
The thing that helped me the most to figure out how to solve the error was this github project: https://github.com/buckyroberts/angular-2-template
What I learned was that the package name mattered a lot.
I thought you could call it anything but the package name had to be called js.
Because the first word in the import statement is js.
So after changing the package name like this:
It all worked now!
I finally had my hello world angular2 application up and running.
If the path had been examapp/main instead of js/examapp/main then the package would have been called examapp.
The app code
The angular typescript app code is in the public/examapp folder. If sessionStorage is empty the app component uses the <exam-selection> component. Where you select the test you want to do. Otherwise it uses the test component to do the actual test. Currently if you finish a test there is no way to clear sessionStorage so you need to do that manually or open a new tab.
The other code in the app is an express.js app for backend administration using passport.js for authentication. For the views it's using vash as the view engine to use ASP.NET Razor syntax over the more common jade. You can create words, categories for the word and tests where you by clicking a checkbox adds/removes a word to the test. I originally was going to try using Redis as database but I changed to MySQL when I realized that the application would be very heavy on relations between objects.
My thoughts on angular2
After working with angular2 I like it over angular1 (angularjs) but they are structured similarly with components, services and so on. The syntax was quite different in 2 compared to 1 but after getting used to it I like it. I also prefer writing in typescript over javascript but I'm sure you can write angular 1 in typescript as well. I didn't try everything there is in angular2 but most of the basic things can be found in this project.
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