Showing posts with label angular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angular. Show all posts

Angular E2E Protractor Introduction

This is an introduction to Angular E2E tests with two examples using Angular 10. The first example is the default test generated by the Angular 10 CLI and the second test does the following:

  1. Logs in
  2. Creates an item
  3. Modifies the item
  4. Deletes the item
  5. Logs out

Angular uses Protractor to do the e2e tests. If you generate a project with the Angular CLI it's very simple to run your e2e tests by simply running ng e2e.

Source code can be found at

Using threejs with angular

I used Angular 7 with three.js to make a 3D viewer. The goal was to write a generic Angular component loading three.js that can easily be used by any project and then apply the application logic afterwards.

The project's source code can be found here:
The generic Angular component can be found here:
The application can be demoed here:

Learning Angular 5

I wrote an app using Angular 5 that does many of the basic features in Angular. The backend uses Node.js, Express and MySQL.

Learning Angular 2

I've been wanting to try out angular2 for a while and decided to add angular2 to an existing node.js express project that I used to learn express. The project code can be found here:
There is also a demo here where I removed the backend part so it works for gh-pages:
The finished project covers the basics of angular2 with input & output variables for components and services.