Reload modified 2.80 Blender Add-on

I started working on my first Blender add-on for 2.80 and quickly wondered: how do I reload my blender add-on without restarting Blender!? After spending roughly a day researching on how to reload I was able to just hit a key (F8) inside Blender to reload the add-on.

After searching and testing on different approaches for reloading I came across this post: . I had gone through many of their steps in trying to figure out how to reload the add-ons :).

The solution:

Two steps are required to easily reload the add-on.
One is setting up the reload key binding because reload scripts action is unbound.
The other one is writing the proper reload code in the file.

Using threejs with angular

I used Angular 7 with three.js to make a 3D viewer. The goal was to write a generic Angular component loading three.js that can easily be used by any project and then apply the application logic afterwards.

The project's source code can be found here:
The generic Angular component can be found here:
The application can be demoed here:

2019 Winter UE4 Jam

I worked together again with Ronja and Vilma during the 2019 Winter #ue4jam and made a game.
The theme this time was All's fair in love and war..
The game is available on at: IceWuffels.
The gameplay can be seen in this video:

This game jam was different, we tried to come up an idea that fits the theme but we couldn't come up anything. So on friday (day 2) we decided that I'll just play around with particle effects because that's what I wanted to try and get better at. I had seen this video and I thought it would be fun to do a more advanced particle like that.

So over the course of friday to early monday I worked every now and then learning about particles, watching the video to see how it looked like in the particle system. Here is some progress over the days:

Added debris & mist:

Added frost on the ground, and sparkles:

The final result, it has extra sparkles when it fades out and a distortion blur effect for some power.

2018 Spring UE4 Jam

Me, Ronja and Vilma worked together during the 2018 Spring #ue4jam and made a game. The theme for the game jam this time was: Transformation. Our game can be downloaded here on the page: Transforester A full play through video can be found here: The game logic was implemented using only blueprint. This post is about making the game from start to finish.

Learning Angular 5

I wrote an app using Angular 5 that does many of the basic features in Angular. The backend uses Node.js, Express and MySQL.

Localized routing using ASP.NET Core MVC 2

This is one implementation of localized routes using ASP.NET Core 2 MVC. [Attributes] are used to control the localized route data for the controllers and actions for simplicity.
Source code:

Table of content:


A localized routing solution using ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC. The implementation uses attributes on the controllers and actions to determine the localization for each culture. A convention is added in Startup.cs to iterate over all the controllers and actions to set their cultural routes based on the [LocalizationRoute] attributes.

Location Based Saturation in Unreal Engine 4

During the Epic MegaJam 2017 I made one implementation of a Location Based Saturation that over time transitions from being desaturated to fully saturated. This is the technical implementation of that feature. The effect is demonstrated in this clip.