Reload modified 2.80 Blender Add-on

I started working on my first Blender add-on for 2.80 and quickly wondered: how do I reload my blender add-on without restarting Blender!? After spending roughly a day researching on how to reload I was able to just hit a key (F8) inside Blender to reload the add-on.

After searching and testing on different approaches for reloading I came across this post: . I had gone through many of their steps in trying to figure out how to reload the add-ons :).

The solution:

Two steps are required to easily reload the add-on.
One is setting up the reload key binding because reload scripts action is unbound.
The other one is writing the proper reload code in the file.

Reload keybinding (F8)

Adding the new key binding wasn't very intuitive but these are the steps to add the script.reload keybinding: Edit -> Preferences -> Keymap -> Expand Screen -> Expand Screen (Global) -> Add New -> Expand the new action (none) -> set action as "script.reload" -> set key binding. -> You're done!! I set the binding to F8 because that's what many other solutions for 2.79 etc mentioned.

This was the difficult part because many of the things I tried like just using importlib to reload the modules didn't work. But that post from blender forums did something I hadn't seen before in any other post. It used an if statement if bpy existed in locals. Here is how the code looked like for my test add-on when I solved the reload problem:

# Check if this add-on is being reloaded
if "bpy" in locals():
    # reloading .py files
    import importlib

    from . import nuu_menu_panel
    from . import nuu_menu_open_op
# or if this is the first load of this add-on
    import bpy
    from . import nuu_menu_panel
    from . import nuu_menu_open_op

bl_info = {
    "name": "Nuu Test",
    "author": "Luna",
    "version": (0, 0, 1),
    "blender": (2, 80, 0),
    "category": "Generic",
    "location": "View3D",

classes = (nuu_menu_panel.NUU_PT_menuPanel, nuu_menu_open_op.NUU_OT_menuOpenOperator)

register, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(classes)

# This allows you to run the script directly from Blender's Text editor
# to test the add-on without having to install it.
if __name__ == "__main__":

After doing these two things you should be able to just reload the add-on with the click of a button.

More reading

Other Blender Add-on related blog posts by me that may be of interest:

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