When trying to implement user preferences for a 2.80 Blender add-on the official documentation was confusing for me and it didn't work with their example code.
Their comment on what to set bl_idname
as was the confusing part.
Probably because of my Python inexperience.
After some searching I found this article that helped me understand what I had done wrong and make it work.
Example code with preferences in own file
The code to get add-on preferences in Blender 2.80 in its own file was this code below.
should be __name__
if the class is inside __init__.py
otherwise __package__
import bpy
class EXAMPLE_addonPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
bl_idname = __package__
# Code below copied from https://b3d.interplanety.org/en/add-on-preferences-panel/
add_bevel: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
('bevel', 'Add bevel', '', '', 0),
('no_bevel', 'No bevel', '', '', 1)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.label(text='Add bevel modifier:')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, 'add_bevel', expand=True)
Here is an image of the add-on preferences UI from the code above.
How to use
To get the add-on preferences I used this code:
# This part has changed from 2.79 -> 2.80, it used to be context.user_preference
preferences = context.preferences
# Use __name__ instead if inside the __init__.py file.
addon_prefs = preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
add_bevel = addon_prefs.add_bevel
The blender api change log can be found here:
More reading
Other Blender Add-on related blog posts by me that may be of interest:
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